
Soil consolidation

The consolidation sub-package contains modules related to soil consolidation. Primarily it implements analytical solutions to consolidation problems described in the literature.

See Also

geotecha.speccon : soil consolidation using the spectral method


cosenzaandkorosak2014 Cosenza and Korosak (2014) “Secondary Consolidation of Clay as an Anomalous Diffusion Process”.
dengetal2013and2014 Deng et al (2013) and (2014), “Consolidation by vertical drains when the discharge capacity varies with depth and time”.
luetal2010 Lu et al (2010) “Composite foundation considering radial and vertical flows within the column and the variation of soil permeability within the disturbed soil zone”.
nogamiandli2003 Nogami and Li (2003) ‘Consolidation of Clay with a System of Vertical and Horizontal Drains’.
nogamiandli2003_interactive This is really just way to interactively run a nomagimandli2003 analysis without polluting the the if __name__ == ‘__main__’ area of the nogamiandli2003 module.
schiffmanandstein1970 Schiffman and Stein 1970 “One-Dimensional consolidation of layered systems”.
schiffmanandstein1970_interactive This is really just way to interactively run a schiffmanandstein1970 analysis without polluting the the if __name__ == ‘__main__’ area of the schiffmanandstein1970 module.
shanetal2012 Shan et al (2012) “Exact solutions for one-dimensional consolidation of single-layer unsaturated soil”.
smear_zones Smear zones associated with vertical drain installation.
tangandonitsuka2000 Tang and Onitsuka (2000) “Consolidation by vertical drains under time-dependent loading”.
terzahi Terzaghi one-dimensional consolidation
xieandleo2004 Xie and Leo (2004) “Analytical solutions of one-dimensional large strain consolidation of saturated and homogeneous clays”.
zhuandyin2012 Zhu and Yin (2012) “Analysis and mathematical solutions for consolidation of a soil layer with depth-dependent parameters under confined compression”.