# specbeam example(if viewing this in docs, plots are at bottom of page)
# Point load moving at constant speed on beam on elastic foundation.
# transitions from stiffness k1 to stiffness k2 over a distance that is
# twice the k1-portion's characteristic length (Lc). damping remains constant at
# the k1-portion's value. stiffness change is non-linear but was 'designed'
# to acheive linear displacement change within the transition zone.
# ONe of the plots will look blank. This is because it is an animation,and
# animations don't show in the docs. To see the animation run from source
# code.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
#from collections import OrderedDict
#from geotecha.plotting.one_d import MarkersDashesColors
#from geotecha.piecewise.piecewise_linear_1d import PolyLine
from geotecha.beam_on_foundation.specbeam import SpecBeam
from geotecha.beam_on_foundation.specbeam import transition_zones1
#example of deflection envelope
for alpha_design, alphas, reverses in zip(
transition_zones1(xlim = (-8,8),
ntrans = 50, # number of points to sample analytical trasnstion zone
kratio = 10,
beta = 0.1,
nx = 400, #number of x points
nt=400, #number of time values
ninterp = 50, # number of points to discretize the transition zone
nloads = 1,
load_spacing = 0.03,
Lt_Lcs = [2], #2,4,6],
t_extend = 1.0, # factor to extend maximum evalutated time.
DAF_distribution = "linear",
# tanhend=0.01,
alpha_design = alpha_design, #alpha for back calculating k profile
alphas = alphas,
# saveas=saveas,
xi_Lc=True, #ratio of xinterest over characteristic length)