# geotecha - A software suite for geotechncial engineering
# Copyright (C) 2018 Rohan T. Walker (rtrwalker@gmail.com)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.
"""Some routines loosely related to geometry."""
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
import sympy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
[docs]def xyz_from_pts(pts, close_polygon = False):
"""Extract x, y and z values from an (n, 3) or (n, 2) shaped array
pts : array_like
Array of x, y or x, y, z points.
close_polygon : boolean, optional
If True then 1st point will be repeated i.e. to close the polygon.
Default close_polygon=False.
x, y, z : 1d ndarrays
1d array of x coords, y coords, z coords.
pts = np.asarray(pts)
if close_polygon:
x = np.zeros(len(pts)+1, dtype=float)
y = np.zeros(len(pts)+1, dtype=float)
z = np.zeros(len(pts)+1, dtype=float)
x[:-1] = pts[:,0]
x[-1] = x[0]
y[:-1] = pts[:,1]
y[-1] = y[0]
if len(pts[0]) == 3:
z[:-1] = pts[:,2]
z[-1] = z[0]
x = pts[:,0]
y = pts[:,1]
if len(pts[0]) == 3:
z = pts[:,2]
z = np.zeros_like(x)
return x, y, z
[docs]def eqn_of_plane(pts):
"""Equation of plane defined by polygon points
a, b, c, d from a*x+b*y+c*z+d = 0
Looking at the plane, counter-clockwise (CCW) points the positive normal
is towards you. For clockwise points (CW) the positive normal is away
from you.
pts : array_like
aAray of x, y or x, y, z points.
[a, b, c] : ndarray with 3 elements
Direction cosines of normal to plane.
d : float
Constant in plane equation.
pts = np.asarray(pts)
x, y, z = xyz_from_pts(pts, True)
a = np.sum((y[:-1] - y[1:]) * (z[:-1] + z[1:]))
b = np.sum((z[:-1] - z[1:]) * (x[:-1] + x[1:]))
c = np.sum((x[:-1] - x[1:]) * (y[:-1] + y[1:]))
n = np.array([a, b, c], dtype=float )
n /= np.linalg.norm(n)
p = np.array([np.sum(x[:-1]), np.sum(y[:-1]), np.sum(z[:-1])]) / len(pts)
d = -np.dot(p,n)
return n, d
[docs]def replace_x0_and_x1_with_vect(s,xyz = ['x','y','z']):
"""Replaces strings x0 with x[:-1], x1 with x[1:], y0 with y[:-1] ...
s : string, or sympy_expression
Expression to make replacements on
xyz : list of strings
Replacements will be made for each element of xyz.
default xyz=['x','y','z'].
out : string
string with all replacements made
endings = ['[:-1]', '[1:]']
s = str(s)
for x in xyz:
for i, ending in enumerate(endings):
s = s.replace('{}{:d}'.format(x,i), '{}{}'.format(x,ending))
return s
[docs]def integrate_f_over_polygon_code(f):
"""Generate code that will integrate a function over a polygon
f : sympy expression
Expression to be integrated over the polygon.
out : str
Multiline string of function code
x, y, z=sympy.symbols('x,y,z')
x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1=sympy.symbols('x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1')
t = sympy.symbols('t')
s2 = [(x, x0+t*(x1-x0)), (y, y0+t*(y1-y0)), (z, z0+t*(z1-z0))]
ff = sympy.integrate(f,x)
ff = ff.subs(s2)
ff = sympy.integrate(ff, (t,0,1))
ff *= (y1 - y0) #if integrating in y direction 1st then *-(x1-x0)
ff = replace_x0_and_x1_with_vect(ff)
template ="""def ifxy(pts):
"Integrate f = {} over polygon"
x, y, z = xyz_from_pts(pts, True)
return np.sum({})"""
return template.format(str(f), ff)
[docs]def integrate_f_over_polyhedra_code(f):
"""Generate code that will integrate a function over a polyhedra
f : sympy expression
Expression to be integrated over the polyhedron.
out : str
Multiline string of funciton code.
n1,n2,n3,d = sympy.symbols('n1,n2,n3,d')
t = sympy.symbols('t')
s1 = [(x,-n2/n1*y-n3/n1*z-d/n1)] #for integration order x,y,z *(z1-z0), for x,z,y *-(y1-y0), ignore n1==0
#s1 = [(y,-n1/n2*x-n3/n2*z-d/n2)] #for integration order y,x,z *-(z1-z0), for y,z,x *(x1-x0), ignore n2==0
#s1 = [(z,-n1/n3*x-n2/n3*y-d/n3)] #for integration order z,x,y *(y1-y0), for z,y,x *-(x1-x0), ignore n3==0
s2 = [(x,x0+t*(x1-x0)),(y,y0+t*(y1-y0)),(z,z0+t*(z1-z0))]
ff = sympy.integrate(f, x)
ff = ff.subs(s1)
ff = sympy.integrate(ff, y)
ff = ff.subs(s2)
ff = sympy.integrate(ff, (t,0,1))
ff *= z1 - z0
ff = replace_x0_and_x1_with_vect(ff)
template ="""def ifxyz(faces):
"Integrate f = {} over polyhedron"
x, y, z = xyz_from_pts(pts,True)
igral = 0
for pts in faces:
(n1,n2,n3),d = eqn_of_plane(pts)
if n1==0:
igral += np.sum({})
return igral"""
return template.format(str(f), ff)
[docs]def polygon_area(pts):
"""Area of polygon defined by points
pts : array_like
Array of x, y or x, y, z points.
a : float
Area of polygon.
pts = np.asarray(pts)
x, y, z = xyz_from_pts(pts,True)
n, d = eqn_of_plane(pts)
i = np.argmax(n) #project polygon onto plane that is perpendicular to this direction, then integrate the area
j = list(range(3))
j.pop(i) #remaining directions
e = (x, y, z)
def if1dxdy(x, y):
"""integrate f=1 over polygon of x,y points"""
#generate code using integrate_f_over_polygon_code(1)
return np.sum((x[:-1]/2 + x[1:]/2)*(-y[:-1] + y[1:]))
return if1dxdy(e[j[0]], e[j[1]]) / n[i]
[docs]def polygon_centroid(pts):
"""Centroid of polygon defined by points
pts : array_like
Array of x, y or x, y, z points.
[xc, yc, zc] : ndarray of float
Coordinates of centroid.
def ifxdxdy(x,y):
"""integrate f=x over polygon of x,y points"""
#generate code using integrate_f_over_polygon_code(x)
return np.sum((-y[:-1] + y[1:])*(x[:-1]**2/6 + x[:-1]*x[1:]/6 + x[1:]**2/6))
def ifydxdy(x,y):
"""integrate f=y over polygon of x,y points"""
#generate code using integrate_f_over_polygon_code(y)
return np.sum((-y[:-1] + y[1:])*(x[:-1]*y[:-1]/3 + x[:-1]*y[1:]/6 +
x[1:]*y[:-1]/6 + x[1:]*y[1:]/3))
pts = np.asarray(pts)
x, y, z = xyz_from_pts(pts, True)
n, d = eqn_of_plane(pts)
a = polygon_area(pts)
calcd = [False,False,False]
if n[0]!=0:#project on yz plane
if not calcd[1]:
yc = ifxdxdy(y, z)/ (n[0] * a)
calcd[1]= True
if not calcd[2]:
zc = ifydxdy(y, z)/ (n[0] * a)
calcd[2]= True
if n[1]!=0: #project on zx plane
if not calcd[2]:
zc = ifxdxdy(z, x)/ (n[1] * a)
calcd[2]= True
if not calcd[0]:
xc = ifydxdy(z, x)/ (n[1] * a)
calcd[0]= True
if n[2]!=0: #project on xy plane
if not calcd[0]:
xc = ifxdxdy(x, y)/ (n[2] * a)
calcd[0]= True
if not calcd[1]:
yc = ifydxdy(x, y)/ (n[2] * a)
calcd[1]= True
return np.array([xc, yc, zc])
[docs]def polygon_2nd_moment_of_area(pts):
"""2nd moment of area of polygon defined by points
pts : array_like
Array of x, y or x, y, z points.
[Ixx, Iyy, Izz] : ndarray of float
2nd moment of area about centroidal x, y, and z axes.
def ifx2dxdy(x,y,xc):
"""Integrate f = (x - xc)**2 over polygon of x,y points"""
#generate code using integrate_f_over_polygon_code((x-xc)**2)
return np.sum((-y[:-1] + y[1:])*(x[:-1]**3/12 + x[:-1]**2*x[1:]/12 -
x[:-1]**2*xc/3 + x[:-1]*x[1:]**2/12 - x[:-1]*x[1:]*xc/3 +
x[:-1]*xc**2/2 + x[1:]**3/12 - x[1:]**2*xc/3 + x[1:]*xc**2/2))
def ify2dxdy(x,y,yc):
"""integrate f = (y - yc)**2 over polygon of x,y points"""
#generate code using integrate_f_over_polygon_code((y-yc)**2)
return np.sum((-y[:-1] + y[1:])*(x[:-1]*y[:-1]**2/4 +
x[:-1]*y[:-1]*y[1:]/6 - 2*x[:-1]*y[:-1]*yc/3 + x[:-1]*y[1:]**2/12 -
x[:-1]*y[1:]*yc/3 + x[:-1]*yc**2/2 + x[1:]*y[:-1]**2/12 +
x[1:]*y[:-1]*y[1:]/6 - x[1:]*y[:-1]*yc/3 + x[1:]*y[1:]**2/4 -
2*x[1:]*y[1:]*yc/3 + x[1:]*yc**2/2))
pts = np.asarray(pts)
x, y, z = xyz_from_pts(pts, True)
n, d = eqn_of_plane(pts)
a = polygon_area(pts)
xc,yc,zc = polygon_centroid(pts)
calcd = [False, False, False]
if n[0]!=0:#project on yz plane
if not calcd[1]:
iyy = ifx2dxdy(y, z, yc)/ (n[0] * a)
calcd[1]= True
if not calcd[2]:
izz = ify2dxdy(y, z, zc)/ (n[0] * a)
calcd[2]= True
if n[1]!=0: #project on zx plane
if not calcd[2]:
izz = ifx2dxdy(z, x, zc)/ (n[1] * a)
calcd[2]= True
if not calcd[0]:
ixx = ify2dxdy(z, x, xc)/ (n[1] * a)
calcd[0]= True
if n[2]!=0: #project on xy plane
if not calcd[0]:
ixx = ifx2dxdy(x, y, xc)/ (n[2] * a)
calcd[0]= True
if not calcd[1]:
iyy = ify2dxdy(x, y, yc)/ (n[2] * a)
calcd[1]= True
return np.array([ixx, iyy, izz])
[docs]def polyhedron_volume(faces):
"""Volume of polyhedron defined by faces defined py pts
faces : list
A list of pts arrays defining x,y,z coords of face vertices.
v : float
Volume of polyhedron.
I think points on a face have to be defined in anti clockwise (CCW) order
to give a positive volume. No checks are done to check the order.
v = 0.0
for pts in faces:
pts = np.asarray(pts)
x, y, z = xyz_from_pts(pts,True)
(n1,n2,n3),d = eqn_of_plane(pts)
if n1==0:
#generate code with integrate_f_over_polyhedra_code(1)
v += np.sum((-z[:-1] + z[1:])*((-2*d*y[:-1] - n2*y[:-1]**2 -
2*n3*y[:-1]*z[:-1])/(2*n1) + (d*y[:-1] - d*y[1:] + n2*y[:-1]**2 -
n2*y[:-1]*y[1:] + 2*n3*y[:-1]*z[:-1] - n3*y[:-1]*z[1:] -
n3*y[1:]*z[:-1])/(2*n1) + (-n2*y[:-1]**2 + 2*n2*y[:-1]*y[1:] -
n2*y[1:]**2 - 2*n3*y[:-1]*z[:-1] + 2*n3*y[:-1]*z[1:] +
2*n3*y[1:]*z[:-1] - 2*n3*y[1:]*z[1:])/(6*n1)))
return v
[docs]def make_hexahedron(coords):
"""Assemble the face vertices of a hexahedron
coords : 8 by 3 ndarray
x, y, z coords of 8 corner nodes of hexahedron. node numbering is as
per Smith and Grifiths.
faces : list of pts arrays
List of pts arrays. Each list defines vertices of a face.
Node numbering:
(6)-------(7) ^
/ /| | y
/ / | | /
/ / | |/
(2)-------(3) (8) |-------->x
| | /
| | /
| | /
coords = np.asarray(coords)
face_nodes=np.array([[1,4,3,2],[3,4,8,7],[8,5,6,7],[2,6,5,1],[6,2,3,7],[5,8,4,1]], dtype=int)
return [coords[v,:] for v in face_nodes]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import nose
nose.runmodule(argv=['nose', '--verbosity=3', '--with-doctest'])
# nose.runmodule(argv=['nose', '--verbosity=3'])
# a = [[-1,-1,-1],
# [-1,-1, 1],
# [1,-1, 1],
# [1,-1,-1],
# [-1,1,-1],
# [-1,1,1],
# [1,1,1],
# [1,1,-1]]
# b = [
# [[0,0,0],
# [0,0,1],
# [1,0,0],
# [0,0,0]],
# [[1,0,0],
# [0,0,1],
# [0,1,0],
# [1,0,0]],
# [[0,1,0],
# [0,0,1],
# [0,0,0],
# [0,1,0]],
# [[0,0,0],
# [1,0,0],
# [0,1,0],
# [0,0,0]]
# ]
# c = [[[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]],
# [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]],
# [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
# [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]
## for v in b:
## print(v[::-1])
# c = [v[::-1] for v in b]
# print(c)
## b= make_hexahedron(a)
## print(b)
# print(polyhedron_volume(c))
# shp = dict()
# shp['unit square'] = [[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1]]
# shp['right tri'] = [[0,0],[1,0],[0,1]]
# shp['3D tri'] = [[1,-2,0],[3,1,4],[0,-1,2]]
# shp['2D tri'] = [[1,0],[3,4],[0,2]]
# shp['octahedral tri'] = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
# for shape,pts in shp.iteritems():
# print(shape)
# print(eqn_of_plane(pts))
# print(polygon_area(pts))
# print(polygon_centroid(pts))
# print(polygon_2nd_moment_of_area(pts))
# print()
# #print(integrate_f_over_polygon_code(1))
# x,y,z = sympy.symbols('x,y,z')
# xc,yc,zc = sympy.symbols('xc,yc,zc')
## print(integrate_f_over_polygon_code((x-xc)**2))
## print(integrate_f_over_polygon_code((y-yc)**2))
## print(integrate_f_over_polygon_code((z-zc)**2))
# shp = dict()
# vert = dict()
# vert['2unit cube'] = [[-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,1],[1,-1,1],[1,-1,-1],
# [-1,1,-1], [-1,1,1],[1,1,1], [1,1,-1]]
# shp['2unit cube'] = make_hexahedron(vert['2unit cube'])
# for shape,faces in shp.iteritems():
# print(shape)
# print(polyhedron_volume(faces))
# print()
# fig = plt.figure()
# ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# ax.scatter(np.array(vert[shape])[:,0], np.array(vert[shape])[:,1],np.array(vert[shape])[:,2])
# ax.set_xlabel('X')
# ax.set_ylabel('Y')
# ax.set_zlabel('Z')
# plt.show()