Source code for geotecha.inputoutput.inputoutput

# geotecha - A software suite for geotechncial engineering
# Copyright (C) 2018  Rohan T. Walker (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""Input/output operations,attribute checking, proccess input files that
have python syntax.


from __future__ import division, print_function
    import __builtin__
except ImportError:
    import builtins as __builtin__
import sys
import ast
import imp
import textwrap
import inspect
import numpy as np
from geotecha.piecewise.piecewise_linear_1d import PolyLine
from sympy.printing.fcode import FCodePrinter
import multiprocessing
import time
    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
import re
import os
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import time
from datetime  import timedelta
import fnmatch
import argparse
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
import pkg_resources
from geotecha.plotting.one_d import copy_dict
import pkgutil
import importlib

[docs]class SyntaxChecker(ast.NodeVisitor): """Check if a string contains only allowabel python syntax `SyntaxChecker` provides functionality to check syntax of string using the ast module. Basically white-list allowable functions and attributes. A SyntaxError will be raised if any code is found that is not allowed. Parameters ---------- allow : list of str List of SyntaxChecker 'allow' methods to call. Default = []. e.g. allow=['ast', 'numpy'] will call SyntaxChecker.allow_ast(), SyntaxChecker.allow_numpy() Attributes ---------- allowed_functions : dict A dictionary of allowable functions. e.g. allowed_functions['cos'] = math.cos would permit the use of 'cos' from the math module. allowed_functions['math'] = math would allow use of the math module (note to allow things like 'math.sin' you would also have to add 'sin' to the allowable_attributes). Adding functions one by one can be cumbersome; see the 'allow_<some_name>' methods for bulk adding of common functionality. allowed_node_types : dict Dictionary of allowable ast node names. e.g. allowed_node_types['Name'] = ast.Name would allow ast.Name nodes. typically use SytaxChecker.allow_ast to allow a reasonable set of ast nodes allowed_attributes : set of string set of allowable attributes. e.g. you have already allowed the math module with allowed_functions['math'] = math. allowable_attributes.add('tan') will allow use of math.tan(34) etc. Note that the attribute 'tan' could now be used as an attribute for any of the functions in allowed_functions even though this may not make any logical sense. i.e. it will pass the SyntaxChecker but would fail if the code was executed. Adding attributes one by one can be cumbersome; see the 'allow_<some_name>' methods for bulk adding of common functionality. safe_names : dict Dictionary of safe names. Default safe_names={'True': True, 'False': False, 'None': None}. print_each_node : bool Print out each node when they are visited. Default print_each_node=False. Note that nodes may be printed twice, once for a generic visit and once for a specific visit such as visit_Name, visit_Attribute etc. Methods ------- allow_ast Allow a subset of ast node types. allow_builtin Allow a subset of __builtins__ functions. allow_numpy Allow a subset of numpy functionality via np.funtion syntax. allow_PolyLine Allow PolyLine class from geotecha.piecewise.piecewise_linear_1d. See Also -------- ast.NodeVisitor : Parent class. Descriptions of python syntax grammar. object_members : Easily print a string of an objects routines for use in a 'allow_<some_name>' method. Notes ----- If subclassing new 'allow_<some_name>' methods can be written to bulk add allowable functions and attributes. Examples -------- >>> syntax_checker = SyntaxChecker(allow=['ast', 'builtin', 'numpy']) >>> tree = ast.parse('a=np.cos(0.5)', mode='exec') >>> syntax_checker.visit(tree) >>> syntax_checker = SyntaxChecker(allow=['ast', 'builtin', 'numpy']) >>> tree = ast.parse('a=cos(0.5)', mode='exec') >>> syntax_checker.visit(tree) Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: cos is not an allowed function! """ #resources that helped in making this: # # # # # def __init__(self, allow=[]): """Initialize a SyntaxChecker object""" #super(SyntaxChecker, self).__init__() # not sure if I need this self.allowed_functions = dict() self.allowed_node_types = dict() self.allowed_attributes = set() self.safe_names = {'True': True, 'False': False, 'None': None}#dict() self.print_each_node = False for v in allow: s = 'allow_{0}'.format(v) if hasattr(self,s): getattr(self, s)() else: raise AttributeError("'SyntaxChecker' object has no attribute " "'{0}'. i.e. '{1}' is not a valid member " "of the allow list".format(s,v))
[docs] def visit_Call(self, node): """Custom visit a 'Call' node""" if self.print_each_node: print('CALL:', ast.dump(node)) if hasattr(node.func,'id'): if not in self.allowed_functions: raise SyntaxError("{} is not an allowed function!".format( else: ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node) else: ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
[docs] def visit_Name(self, node): """Custom visit a 'Name' node""" if self.print_each_node: print('NAME: ', ast.dump(node)) if type(node.ctx).__name__=='Store': self.allowed_attributes.add( elif type(node.ctx).__name__=='Load': if not in self.safe_names and not in self.allowed_functions and not in self.allowed_attributes: raise SyntaxError("cannot use {} as name, function, or attribute!".format( sys.exit(0) ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)#
[docs] def visit_Attribute(self, node): """Custom visit an 'Attribute' node""" if self.print_each_node: print('ATTRIBUTE:', ast.dump(node)) if node.attr not in self.allowed_functions and node.attr not in self.allowed_attributes: raise SyntaxError("{} is not an allowed attribute!".format(node.attr)) sys.exit(0) ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
[docs] def generic_visit(self, node): """Custom visit a generic node""" if self.print_each_node: print('GENERIC: ', ast.dump(node)) if type(node).__name__ not in self.allowed_node_types: raise SyntaxError("{} is not allowed!".format(type(node).__name__)) sys.exit(0) else: ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
def _split_string_allow(self, s, add_to='attributes', fn_module=None): """Split a string and add items to allowed lists Adds items to self.allowed_attributes or self.allowed_functions Parameters ---------- s : str String containing items to allow. add_to : ['attributes', 'functions'] If add_to='attributes' items will be added to self.allowed_attributes. If add_to='functions' the items will be added to self.allowed_functions. fn_module : module Module where functions are stored. Only used when add_to='functions'. """ in_list = ['attributes','functions'] if add_to not in in_list: raise ValueError('add_to cannot be {}. It must be one of ' '[{}]'.format("'{}'".format(add_to), ", ".join(["'{}'".format(v) for v in in_list]))) if add_to=='functions': for v in [a for a in s.split() if not a.startswith('#')]: if hasattr(fn_module, v): self.allowed_functions[v] = getattr(fn_module, v) return if add_to=='attributes': for v in [a for a in s.split() if not a.startswith('#')]: self.allowed_attributes.add(v) return
[docs] def allow_ast(self): """Allow subset of ast node types""" #py27 #object_members(ast, 'class') s=textwrap.dedent("""\ #py27 #AST Add And Assert Assign Attribute AugAssign AugLoad AugStore BinOp BitAnd BitOr BitXor BoolOp Break Call #ClassDef Compare Continue Del Delete Dict DictComp Div Ellipsis Eq ExceptHandler #Exec Expr Expression ExtSlice FloorDiv For FunctionDef GeneratorExp Global Gt GtE If IfExp #Import #ImportFrom In Index Interactive Invert Is IsNot LShift Lambda List ListComp Load Lt LtE Mod Module Mult Name #NodeTransformer #NodeVisitor Not NotEq NotIn Num Or Param Pass Pow Print RShift Raise Repr Return Set SetComp Slice Store Str Sub Subscript Suite TryExcept TryFinally Tuple UAdd USub UnaryOp While With Yield #alias arguments boolop #cmpop comprehension #excepthandler #expr #expr_context keyword #mod #operator slice #stmt #unaryop #py34_addtional Bytes NameConstant #Nonlocal Starred Try YieldFrom arg withitem """) for v in [a for a in s.split() if not a.startswith('#')]: if hasattr(ast,v): self.allowed_node_types[v] = getattr(ast, v) return
[docs] def allow_builtin(self): """Allow subset of __builtins__ functions""" #object_members(__builtin__ , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent("""\ #py27 #__import__ abs all any apply bin #callable chr cmp #coerce compile #debugfile #delattr #dir divmod #eval #evalsc #execfile filter format #getattr #globals hasattr #hash hex id input #intern isinstance issubclass iter len locals map max min next oct #open #open_in_spyder ord pow print range raw_input reduce #reload repr round #runfile #setattr sorted sum unichr #vars zip #py34_addtional #__build_class__ ascii #exec repr """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='functions', fn_module=__builtin__) #object_members(__builtin__ , 'class') s=textwrap.dedent("""\ #py27 basestring bool #buffer bytearray bytes #classmethod complex dict enumerate #file float frozenset int list long #memoryview #object #property reversed set slice #staticmethod str super tuple type unicode xrange #py34_addtional #__loader__ filter map range reversed zip """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='functions',fn_module=__builtin__) #object_members(complex , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent("""\ #py27 conjugate #py34_addtional """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') #object_members(dict , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent("""\ #py27 copy fromkeys get has_key items iteritems iterkeys itervalues keys pop popitem setdefault update values viewitems viewkeys viewvalues #py34_addtional clear """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') #object_members(list , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent(""" #py27 append count extend index insert pop remove reverse sort #py34_addtional clear copy """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') #object_members(str , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent(""" #py27 capitalize center count decode encode endswith expandtabs find format index isalnum isalpha isdigit islower isspace istitle isupper join ljust lower lstrip partition replace rfind rindex rjust rpartition rsplit rstrip split splitlines startswith strip swapcase title translate upper zfill #py34_addtional casefold format_map isdecimal isidentifier isnumeric isprintable isspace maketrans """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') #object_members(float , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent(""" #py27 as_integer_ratio conjugate fromhex hex is_integer #py34_addtional """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') #object_members(set , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent(""" #py27 add clear copy difference difference_update discard intersection intersection_update isdisjoint issubset issuperset pop remove symmetric_difference symmetric_difference_update union update #py34_addtional """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') #object_members(slice , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent(""" #py27 indices #py34_addtional """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') return
[docs] def allow_numpy(self): """Allow a subset of numpy functionality via np.attribute syntax""" self.allowed_functions['np'] = np self.allowed_functions['numpy'] = np #object_members(np , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent(""" #numpy_v_1_9_0 add_docstring add_newdoc add_newdoc_ufunc alen all allclose alltrue alterdot amax amin angle any append apply_along_axis apply_over_axes arange argmax argmin argpartition argsort argwhere around array array2string array_equal array_equiv array_repr array_split array_str asanyarray asarray asarray_chkfinite ascontiguousarray asfarray asfortranarray asmatrix asscalar atleast_1d atleast_2d atleast_3d average bartlett base_repr bench binary_repr bincount blackman bmat broadcast_arrays busday_count busday_offset byte_bounds can_cast choose clip column_stack common_type compare_chararrays compress concatenate convolve copy copyto corrcoef correlate count_nonzero cov cross cumprod cumproduct cumsum datetime_as_string datetime_data delete deprecate deprecate_with_doc diag diag_indices diag_indices_from diagflat diagonal diff digitize disp dot dsplit dstack ediff1d einsum empty empty_like expand_dims extract eye fastCopyAndTranspose fill_diagonal find_common_type fix flatnonzero fliplr flipud frombuffer fromfile fromfunction fromiter frompyfunc fromregex fromstring full full_like fv genfromtxt get_array_wrap get_include get_printoptions getbuffer getbufsize geterr geterrcall geterrobj gradient hamming hanning histogram histogram2d histogramdd hsplit hstack i0 identity imag in1d indices info inner insert int_asbuffer interp intersect1d ipmt irr is_busday isclose iscomplex iscomplexobj isfortran isneginf isposinf isreal isrealobj isscalar issctype issubclass_ issubdtype issubsctype iterable ix_ kaiser kron lexsort linspace load loads loadtxt logspace lookfor mafromtxt mask_indices mat max maximum_sctype may_share_memory mean median meshgrid min min_scalar_type mintypecode mirr msort nan_to_num nanargmax nanargmin nanmax nanmean nanmedian nanmin nanpercentile nanstd nansum nanvar ndfromtxt ndim nested_iters newbuffer nonzero nper npv obj2sctype ones ones_like outer packbits pad partition percentile piecewise pkgload place pmt poly polyadd polyder polydiv polyfit polyint polymul polysub polyval ppmt prod product promote_types ptp put putmask pv rank rate ravel ravel_multi_index real real_if_close recfromcsv recfromtxt repeat require reshape resize restoredot result_type roll rollaxis roots rot90 round round_ row_stack safe_eval save savetxt savez savez_compressed sctype2char searchsorted select set_numeric_ops set_printoptions set_string_function setbufsize setdiff1d seterr seterrcall seterrobj setxor1d shape show_config sinc size sometrue sort sort_complex source split squeeze std sum swapaxes take tensordot test tile trace transpose trapz tri tril tril_indices tril_indices_from trim_zeros triu triu_indices triu_indices_from typename union1d unique unpackbits unravel_index unwrap vander var vdot vsplit vstack where who zeros zeros_like pi """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') #object_members(np.ndarray , 'routine') s=textwrap.dedent(""" #numpy_v_1_9_0 all any argmax argmin argpartition argsort astype byteswap choose clip compress conj conjugate copy cumprod cumsum diagonal dot dump dumps fill flatten getfield item itemset max mean min newbyteorder nonzero partition prod ptp put ravel repeat reshape resize round searchsorted setfield setflags sort squeeze std sum swapaxes take tobytes tofile tolist tostring trace transpose var view """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') self.allowed_attributes.add('math') #object_members(np.math,'routine') s=textwrap.dedent(""" #numpy_v_1_9_0 acos acosh asin asinh atan atan2 atanh ceil copysign cos cosh degrees erf erfc exp expm1 fabs factorial floor fmod frexp fsum gamma hypot isfinite isinf isnan ldexp lgamma log log10 log1p log2 modf pow radians sin sinh sqrt tan tanh trunc """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') #print(object_members(np, 'ufunc')) s=textwrap.dedent(""" #numpy_v_1_9_0 abs absolute add arccos arccosh arcsin arcsinh arctan arctan2 arctanh bitwise_and bitwise_not bitwise_or bitwise_xor ceil conj conjugate copysign cos cosh deg2rad degrees divide equal exp exp2 expm1 fabs floor floor_divide fmax fmin fmod frexp greater greater_equal hypot invert isfinite isinf isnan ldexp left_shift less less_equal log log10 log1p log2 logaddexp logaddexp2 logical_and logical_not logical_or logical_xor maximum minimum mod modf multiply negative nextafter not_equal power rad2deg radians reciprocal remainder right_shift rint sign signbit sin sinh spacing sqrt square subtract tan tanh true_divide trunc """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes')
#to find more numpy functionality to add try: #object_members(np.polynomial,'routine') #mem=object_members(np.polynomial,'class') #object_members(np.polynomial.polynomial,'routine')
[docs] def allow_PolyLine(self): """Allow PolyLine class from geotecha.piecewise.piecewise_linear_1d""" self.allowed_functions['PolyLine']=PolyLine s=textwrap.dedent(""" x y xy x1 x2 y1 y2 x1_x2_y1_y2 """) self._split_string_allow(s, add_to='attributes') return
[docs]def object_members(obj, info='function', join=True): """Get a list of object members. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object to get members of. info : string, optional Type of members to gather. Members will be gathered according to<member_type>. e.g. info='function' will check in object for inspect.isfunction. Other values include 'method' 'function' 'routine'. Default info='function'. NOTE that it is safer to use 'routine' when getting functions. There is a custom check for info='ufunc' to give ufunc members of numpy. join : bool, optional If join==True then list will be joined together into one large space separated string. Returns ------- members : list of str, or str List of member names of specified types, or space separated names i single string. """ #useful resources # #isroutine vs isfunction: #pkgutil : #add ufunc def isufunc(object): """Return true if the object is a numpy.ufunc""" return isinstance(object, np.ufunc) inspect.isufunc = isufunc if info=="module": # for some reason getmembers with modules does not allways return a # complete list. pkgpath = os.path.dirname(obj.__file__) members = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkgpath])] else: members = [i for i,j in inspect.getmembers(obj, getattr(inspect,'is{}'.format(info)))] if join: members='\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(" ".join(members), break_long_words=False, width=65)) return members
[docs]def make_module_from_text(reader, syntax_checker=None): """Make a module from file, StringIO, text etc. Parameters ---------- reader : file_like object Object to get text from. syntax_checker : SyntaxChecker object, optional Specifies what syntax is allowed when executing the text within `reader`. Default = None, which means that text will be executed with the all powerful all dangerous exec function. Only use this option if you trust the input. Returns ------- m : module text as module See Also -------- SyntaxChecker : allow certain syntax Notes ----- I suspect it is best if `reader` is a string. i.e reader can be pickled. fileobjects may be cause issues if used with multiprocessing.process """ #useful resources: #for making module out of strings/files see # # # # see down bottom for config stuff # # limit namespace mymodule = imp.new_module('mymodule') #may need to randomise the name; not sure if syntax_checker is None: exec(reader, mymodule.__dict__) return mymodule if not isinstance(syntax_checker, SyntaxChecker): raise TypeError('syntax_checker should be a SyntaxChecker instance.') tree = ast.parse(reader, mode='exec') syntax_checker.visit(tree) compiled = compile(tree, '<string>', "exec") mymodule.__dict__.update(syntax_checker.allowed_functions) exec(compiled, mymodule.__dict__) return mymodule
[docs]def fcode_one_large_expr(expr, prepend=None, **settings): """Fortran friendly printing of sympy expression ignoring any loops/indexed The normal FcodePrinter.doprint method will try to figure out what fortran loops you need by looking for indexed expressions. Sometimes you just want to change square brackets [] to parenteses () and wrap/indent the code for Fortran with appropriate line continuations. `fcode_one_large_expr` can do that for you. You will have to write your own fortran do loops. Parameters ---------- expr : sympy expression A single large sympy expression. prepend : string, optional A string to prepend to your fortran code. Assuming you are going to cut and paste into a fortran routine `prepend` should be correct fortran format. (note you do not need an initial indent for your prepend it will be put in for you). e.g. prepend = 'a(i, i) = a(i, i) + '. Defualt prepend=None i.e. nothing prepended. settings : keyword arguments See `sympy.printing.fcode` docs, specifically FCodePrinter.__init__ . Note that 'assign_to will not work'. Returns ------- out : str Fortran ready code that can be copy and pasted into a Fortran routine. See Also -------- sympy.printing.fcode : contains all the functionality. """ # FCodePrinter.indent_code uses ''.join to combine lines. Should it be # '\n'.join ? This is my work around: class FCodePrinter2(FCodePrinter): @property def _lead(self): if self._settings['source_format'] == 'fixed': # return {'code': " ", 'cont': " @ ", 'comment': "C "} orig return {'code': " ", 'cont': "&\n ", 'comment': "C "} elif self._settings['source_format'] == 'free': return {'code': "", 'cont': " ", 'comment': "! "} printer = FCodePrinter2(settings) printer._lead_cont = '&\n ' # this should account for eariler version of sympy expr = printer.parenthesize(expr, 50) if not prepend is None: expr = prepend + expr return printer.indent_code(expr)
[docs]def copy_attributes_between_objects(from_object, to_object, attributes=[], defaults=dict(), not_found_value=None): """Copy attributes from one object to another Looks up `attributes` in `from_obj` and copies them to `to_object`. If not present in `from_object` the corresponding attribute in `to_object` will be set to `defaults` or `not_found_value` if not in `defaults`. Parameters ---------- from_object : object or module Object to copy attributes from. to_object : object or module Object to copy attributes to. attributes : list of strings A list of attribute names to copy from `from_object` to `object_to`. defaults : dict of string-value pairs Dictionary specifying the default value of each attribute that is not found in `from_object`. not_found_value : optional Default value to set attribute to if not found in `from_object` or in `defaults`. Default not_found_value=None. Returns ------- None """ for v in attributes: to_object.__setattr__(v, from_object.__dict__.get(v, defaults.get(v, not_found_value))) return
[docs]def copy_attributes_from_text_to_object(reader, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper for `copy_attributes_between_objects` where `from_object` is fileobject, StringIO, text Parameters ---------- reader : fileobject, StringIO, text text to turn into a module and pass as from_object *args : Positional arguments that will be passed to `copy_attributes_between_objects`. **kwargs : Keyword arguments that will be passed to `copy_attributes_between_objects`. You can use a SyntaxChecker object to interpret the `reader` by using the keyword argument 'syntax_checker'=<some SyntaxChecker object>. See Also -------- copy_attributes_between_objects : See for args and kwargs input. SyntaxChecker : Restrict the allowable syntax in the `reader`. Notes ----- Put 'syntax_checker= ' in the kwargs to add a SyntaxChecker """ syn_checker=kwargs.pop('syntax_checker', None) copy_attributes_between_objects(make_module_from_text(reader, syn_checker), *args, **kwargs) return
[docs]def check_attribute_is_list(obj, attributes=[], force_list=False): """Check if attributes of an object are lists If attribute is not a list and `force_list`=True then attribute will be placed in list. e.g. say obj.a = 6, 6 is not a list so obj.a will be changed to obj.a = [6]. An error is raised if attribute is not a list. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object with attributes to check. attributes : list of strings A list of attribute names to check. force_list : bool, optional If True not-list attributes will be put in a list. If False then non-list attributes will raise an error. Default force_list=False. Returns ------- None """ g = obj.__getattribute__ for v in attributes: if not g(v) is None: if not isinstance(g(v), list): if force_list: obj.__setattr__(v, [g(v)]) else: raise ValueError('{0} should be a list. It is {1}'.format(v, type(g(v)))) return
[docs]def check_attribute_PolyLines_have_same_x_limits(obj, attributes=[]): """Check if attributes of object that are PolyLine have the same x values Each attribute can be a single instance of PolyLine or a list of PolyLines. An error is raised if x-values are different. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object with attributes to check. attributes : list of list of strings Each sublist is a list of attribute names to check. See Also -------- geotecha.piecewise.piecewise_linear_1d.PolyLine : PolyLine class """ g = obj.__getattribute__ for sublist in attributes: #find first x values for v in sublist: if not g(v) is None: if isinstance(g(v), list): xcheck = np.array([g(v)[0].x[0], g(v)[0].x[-1]]) xstr = v break else: a = g(v).x[0] xcheck = np.array([g(v).x[0], g(v).x[-1]]) xstr = v break #check against other x values for v in sublist: if not g(v) is None: if isinstance(g(v), list): for j, u in enumerate(g(v)): if not np.allclose([u.x[0], u.x[-1]], xcheck): raise ValueError('All upper and lower x limits must be the same. Check ' + v + ' and ' + xstr + '.') else: if not np.allclose([g(v).x[0], g(v).x[-1]], xcheck): raise ValueError('All upper and lower x limits must be the same. Check ' + v + ' and ' + xstr + '.') return
[docs]def check_attribute_pairs_have_equal_length(obj, attributes=[]): """Check if attribute pairs have the same length Compares pairs only if both pairs are not None. Raises error if pair items have unequal lenghth. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object with attributes to check. attributes : list of list of two string List of attribute names to check. Each sub-list should have two elements. """ g = obj.__getattribute__ # for iterating in chuncks see #for v1, v2 in [attributes[pos:pos + 2] for pos in xrange(0, len(attributes), 2)]: for pair in attributes: if len(pair)>2: raise ValueError('Can only compare two items. you have {}'.format(str(pair))) v1, v2 = pair if sum([v is None for v in [g(v1), g(v2)]])==0: if sum([hasattr(v,'__len__') for v in [g(v1), g(v2)]])!=2: raise TypeError("either {0} and {1} have no len attribute and so cannot be compared".format(v1,v2)) if len(g(v1)) != len(g(v2)): raise ValueError("{} has {:d} elements, {} has {:d} " "elements. They should have the same number of " "elements.".format(v1, len(g(v1)), v2, len(g(v2)))) # elif sum([v is None for v in [g(v1), g(v2)]])==1: # raise ValueError("Cannot compare length of {0} and {1} when one of them is None".format(v1,v2)) return
[docs]def check_attribute_combinations(obj, zero_or_all=[], at_least_one=[], one_implies_others=[]): """Check for incomplete combinations of attributes Raises ValueError if any combination fails. Parameters ---------- zero_or_all : list of list of string Each element of `zero_or_all` is a list of attribute names that should either all be None or all be not None. at_least_one : list of list of string Each element of `at_least_one` is a list of attribute names of which at least one should not be None. one_implies_others : list of list of string Each element of `one_implies_others` is a list of attribute names. If the first attribute in the list is not None then all other members of the list should also not be None. Returns ------- None """ g = obj.__getattribute__ for check in zero_or_all: if sum([g(v) is None for v in check]) in range(1, len(check)): raise ValueError('Either zero or all of the following variables must be defined: ' + ', '.join(check)) for check in at_least_one: if not any([not g(v) is None for v in check]): if len(check)==1: raise ValueError('Need the following variable: ' + ', '.join(check)) else: raise ValueError('Need at least one of the following variables: ' + ', '.join(check)) for i, check in enumerate(one_implies_others): if len(check)<=1: raise ValueError("each member of 'one_implies_others' must be a list with at least two elements. Member {0} is {1}".format(i,', '.join(check))) if not g(check[0]) is None: if not all([not g(v) is None for v in check[1:]]): raise ValueError('If {0} is defined then the following variables must also be defined: '.format(check[0]) + ', '.join(check[1:])) return
[docs]def force_attribute_same_len_if_none(obj, same_len_attributes=[], value=None): """Make list of None with len the same as an existing attribute If attributes after the first are None then make those attributes a list of len(first_attribute) filled with value. This is useful when you want to zip each member of two attributes. If the second attribute is None, then any zipping is impossible. However, if the second attribute is set to a list of None then zipping is possible. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object that has the attributes. same_len_attributes : list of list of string For each group of attribute names, if attributes after the first are None then those attributes will be made a list of len(first_attribute) filled with `value`. value : obj, optional Value to fill each list. Default value=None. """ for group in same_len_attributes: a1 =getattr(obj, group[0]) if a1!=None: for v in group[1:]: if getattr(obj, v) is None: setattr(obj, v, [value] * len(a1))
[docs]def initialize_objects_attributes(obj, attributes=[], defaults=dict(), not_found_value=None): """Initialize an objects attributes For each attribute, set it to the value found in `defaults` dictionary or, if the attribute is not found, set it to `not_found_value`. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object to set attributes in. attributes : list of strings A list of attribute names to set. defaults : dict of string-value pairs, optional Dictionary specifying the default value of each attribute. Default defautls=dict() i.e. no explicit default value. not_found_value : optional Default value to set attribute to if not found in `defaults` dict. Default not_found_value=None. Notes ----- If using this function to initialize attributes in a class then just be aware that the attributes will not be available for auto-complete until an instance of the class is created. This can be annoying when coding the class itself because typing 'self.' will not have any autocomplete options. To work around this use a temporary explicit assignment e.g. 'self.a = 6' and then later comment it out when coding of the class is finsihed. See Also -------- code_for_explicit_attribute_initialization : Use for temporary explicit attribute initialization to facilitate auto-complete, then comment out when done. """ for v in attributes: obj.__setattr__(v, defaults.get(v, not_found_value)) return
[docs]def code_for_explicit_attribute_initialization(attributes=[], defaults={}, defaults_name='_attribute_defaults', object_name='self', not_found_value=None): """Generate code to initialize an objects attributes Parameters ---------- object_name : string , optional Name of object to set attributes. default='self'. attributes : list of strings A list of attribute names to set. defaults : dict of string-value pairs Dictionary specifying the default value of each attribute. defaults_name : string, optional If ``None`` then the actual values in `defaults` will be used to set attributes. If not ``None`` then those attributes with defaults will be initialized by pointing to a dictionary called `defaults_name`. Default defaults_name='_attribute_defaults', not_found_value : optional Default value to set attribute to if not found in `defaults`. default not_found_value=``None`` Returns ------- out : string Code that can be pasted into an object (usually in the __init__ methos) to explicitly initialize attributes, so the attributes appear in autocomplete. See Also -------- initialize_objects_attributes : Similar functionality with no copy paste. """ out = "" if defaults_name is None: for v in attributes: v2 = defaults.get(v, not_found_value) if isinstance(v2, str): v2 = "'{0}'".format(v2) out+='{0} = {1}\n'.format('.'.join([object_name,v]), v2) else: for v in attributes: if v in list(defaults.keys()): v2 = not_found_value if isinstance(v2, str): v2 = "'{0}'".format(v2) out+='{0} = {1}.get({2}, {3})\n'.format('.'.join([object_name, v]), '.'.join([object_name, defaults_name]), "'{}'".format(v), v2) else: v2 = not_found_value if isinstance(v2, str): v2 = "'{0}'".format(v2) out+='{0} = {1}\n'.format('.'.join([object_name,v]), v2) return out
[docs]class InputFileLoaderCheckerSaver(object): """A class for accepting an input file, running checks, saveing data/plots. Options to: - Accept an inputfile with python syntax - Copy attribute value from a text file (i.e. text such as 'b = 34' in the input file will be result in self.b=34) - Run checks on the attributes. - Save data to file - Save figures to file. - Common attributes along with their defaults are available to all classes that sub-class InputFileLoaderCheckerSaver. Parameters ---------- reader : file_like object Object to get text from. file, StringIO, text etc. pkg_for_version : string, optional The version attribute will be determined by the version number of the `pkg_for_version` package. Default pkg_for_version='geotecha'. If for some reason pkg_for_version has not been set, or the package cannot be found, then version will be 'unknown'. Attributes ---------- _attributes : list of string User defined list of attributes. Must be defined in the sub-class. A number of common attributes will be added to the user defined list. See the Notes section for the common attributes and their default values. _attribute_defaults : dict, optional User defined dict of attribute defaults. May be defined in the sub-class. Defaults for the common attributes will will be added to the user defined list. When no default value is given , None will be used. Default _attribute_defaults=dict() i.e. all user defaults are None. See the Notes section for the common attributes and their default values. _attributes_that_should_be_lists : list of string, optional list of attributes that should be of type ``list``. Those attributes that are not None and not lists will be put in a list. May be defined in the sub-class. _attributes_that_should_have_same_x_limits : list of list of str, optional Each sublist is a list of attribute names to check. May be defined in the sub-class. _attributes_that_should_have_same_len_pairs : list of list of two string List of attribute names to check. Each sub-list should have two elements. May be defined in the sub-class. _zero_or_all : list of list of string Each element of `zero_or_all` is a list of attribute names that should either all be None or all be not None. May be defined in the sub-class. _at_least_one : list of list of string Each element of `at_least_one` is a list of attribute names of which at least one should not be None. May be defined in the sub-class. _one_implies_others : list of list of string Each element of `one_implies_others` is a list of attribute names. If the first attribute in the list is not None then all other members of the list should also not be None. May be defined in the sub-class. _input_text : string str of the input file. Will be None if no reader is passed to the __init__ method _debug : True/False For use with debugging. Default _debug=False _figures : list of matplotlib figures Define in sub-class. Each figure should have a label which will be used to save figures. _grid_data_dicts : list of dict Define in sub-class. For saving grid_data to file using `save_grid_data_to_file`. _file_stem: string path including file name prefix with number for all output files. default='out_000'. If create_directory=True then files will be put in a folder named `file_stem` Notes ----- For the _attributes and _attribute_defaults attribute the common attributes and their defualts are: =========================== ======================================== attribute name description =========================== ======================================== plot_properties dict of dict. Each subdict will be used to pass propeties to plotting routines. Contents plot_properties should be defined in each sub-class Default = dict(). save_data_to_file True/False. If True data will be saved to file. Need to write routines to save data Default = False. save_figures_to_file True/False. If True then figures will be saved to file. Need to write routine to plot figures. Default = False. show_figures' True/False. If True the after calculation figures will be shown on screen. Need somewhere in routines. Default = False. prefix string. Filename prefix for all output files. Default = 'out'. directory string. Path to directory where files should be stored. Default directory=None which will use the current working directory. Note if you keep getting directory does not exist errors then try putting an r before the string definition. i.e. directory = r'C:\\Users\\...'. overwrite True/False. If True then existing files will be overwritten. Default = False. create_directory True/Fase. If True a new sub-folder with name based on `prefix` and an incremented number will contain the output. Default = True. data_ext string. File extension for data files. Default = '.csv'. input_ext string. File extension for original and parsed input files. Default = '.py'. figure_ext string. File extension for figures. Can be any valid matplotlib option for savefig. Default = ".eps". Others include 'pdf', 'png'. author string. Author of analysis. Default = 'unknown' title string. A title for the input file. This will appear at the top of data files. Default = None, i.e. no title. version Default = version number from `pkg_for_version paramter` =========================== ======================================== """ def __init__(self, reader = None, pkg_for_version='geotecha'): self._debug = False self._setup() self.pkg_for_version = pkg_for_version if hasattr(self, '_attributes'): self._initialize_attributes() self._input_text = None if not reader is None: if isinstance(reader, str): self._input_text = reader else: self._input_text = self._transfer_attributes_from_inputfile() def _transfer_attributes_from_inputfile(self): """Transfer attributes from input file using restricted syntax. For safety reasons the inputfile syntax is restricted. If you wish to remove these restrictions then overwrite this method with syn_checker=None. You will then have to do explicit imports. Existing input files used when syntax_checker was not None may not work because some modules (e.g. Numpy) were implicitly imported, 'import' commands are often banned in default syntax_checker. """ if not hasattr(self, '_attributes'): raise ValueError("No 'self._attributes' defined in object.") attribute_defaults = getattr(self, '_attribute_defaults', dict()) syn_checker=SyntaxChecker(['ast','builtin','numpy','PolyLine']) # syntax_checker=None copy_attributes_from_text_to_object(self._input_text, self, self._attributes, attribute_defaults, not_found_value = None, syntax_checker=syn_checker) def _initialize_attributes(self): """Initialize attributes Relies on presence of self._attributes """ if not hasattr(self, '_attributes'): raise ValueError("No 'self._attributes' defined in object.") common_attributes = ('plot_properties ' 'save_data_to_file prefix directory overwrite ' 'create_directory data_ext input_ext figure_ext ' 'save_figures_to_file show_figures ' 'author ' 'version ' 'title').split() try: version_str = pkg_resources.require(self.pkg_for_version)[0].version except (pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound, AttributeError): version_str = 'unknown' common_attribute_defaults = { 'plot_properties': dict(), 'save_data_to_file': False, 'save_figures_to_file': False, 'show_figures': False, 'prefix': 'out', 'overwrite': False, 'create_directory': True, 'data_ext': '.csv', 'input_ext': '.py', 'figure_ext': '.eps', 'author': 'unknown', 'version': version_str} attribute_defaults = getattr(self, '_attribute_defaults', dict()) [self._attributes.append(v) for v in common_attributes if v not in self._attributes] self._attribute_defaults = copy_dict(common_attribute_defaults, attribute_defaults) initialize_objects_attributes(self, self._attributes, self._attribute_defaults, not_found_value = None) def _determine_output_stem(self): """Determine the stem for outputting files""" prefix = getattr(self, 'prefix', None) if prefix is None: prefix='out' directory = getattr(self, 'directory', None) if directory is None: directory = os.curdir overwrite = getattr(self, 'overwrite', None) if overwrite is None: overwrite = False self._file_stem = next_output_stem( prefix=prefix, path=directory, start=1, inc=1, zfill=4, overwrite=overwrite) create_directory = getattr(self, 'create_directory', True) if create_directory: self._file_stem = os.path.join(directory, self._file_stem, self._file_stem) else: self._file_stem = os.path.join(directory, self._file_stem) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self._file_stem)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(self._file_stem)) def _save_figures(self): """ You need the following defined: - self._figures: a list of figures to save. Each figure should have a label """ if not getattr(self, 'save_figures_to_file', False): return if getattr(self, '_figures', None) is None: return if getattr(self, '_file_stem', None) is None: self._determine_output_stem() if not isinstance(self._figures, list): figures = [self._figures] else: figures = self._figures # directory = getattr(self, 'directory', None) # if directory is None: # directory = os.curdir # # create_directory = getattr(self, 'create_directory', True) for i,fig in enumerate(self._figures): if len(fig.get_label()) > 0: figname = fig.get_label() else: figname = "Figure_{}".format(str(i).zfill(2)) filename = self._file_stem +'_' + figname + getattr(self, 'figure_ext', '.eps') fig.savefig(filename, dpi=fig.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') def _save_data(self): if not getattr(self, 'save_data_to_file', False): return if getattr(self, '_file_stem', None) is None: self._determine_output_stem() #original input if not getattr(self, '_input_text', None) is None: filename = (self._file_stem + "_input_original" + getattr(self, 'input_ext', '.py')) with open(filename,'w') as myfile: myfile.write(self._input_text) #parsed input if hasattr(self, '_attributes'): filename = (self._file_stem + "_input_parsed" + getattr(self, 'input_ext', '.py')) text = string_of_object_attributes(obj=self, attributes=self._attributes, none_at_bottom=True, numpy_array_prefix = "np.") with open(filename, 'w') as myfile: myfile.write(text) #grid data if not getattr(self, '_grid_data_dicts', None) is None: #no data save_grid_data_to_file(data_dicts=self._grid_data_dicts, directory=os.path.dirname(self._file_stem), file_stem=os.path.basename(self._file_stem), create_directory=False,# already in file stem getattr(self, 'create_directory', True), ext=getattr(self, 'data_ext', '.csv')) def _setup(self): """Set up attributes for checking and initializing To be overridden in subclasses Basically define: - self._attribute_defaults - self._attributes - self._attributes_that_should_be_lists - self._attributes_to_force_same_len - self._attributes_that_should_have_same_x_limits - self._attributes_that_should_have_same_len_pairs - self._zero_or_all - self._at_least_one - self._one_implies_others To make coding easier (i.e. autocomplete) once you have a self.attributes defined, `use code_for_explicit_attribute_initialization` and paste the resulting code into your `_setup` routine """ pass return
[docs] def check_input_attributes(self): """Perform checks on attributes Notes ----- See Also -------- check_attribute_combinations check_attribute_is_list force_attribute_same_len_if_none check_attribute_PolyLines_have_same_x_limits check_attribute_pairs_have_equal_length """ zero_or_all = getattr(self, '_zero_or_all', []) at_least_one = getattr(self, '_at_least_one', []) one_implies_others = getattr(self, '_one_implies_others', []) attributes_that_should_be_lists = getattr(self, '_attributes_that_should_be_lists',[]) attributes_to_force_same_len = getattr(self, '_attributes_to_force_same_len', []) attributes_that_should_have_same_x_limits = getattr(self, '_attributes_that_should_have_same_x_limits', []) attributes_that_should_have_same_len_pairs = getattr(self, '_attributes_that_should_have_same_len_pairs', []) check_attribute_combinations(self, zero_or_all, at_least_one, one_implies_others) check_attribute_is_list(self, attributes_that_should_be_lists, force_list=True) force_attribute_same_len_if_none(self, attributes_to_force_same_len, value=None) check_attribute_PolyLines_have_same_x_limits(self, attributes=attributes_that_should_have_same_x_limits) check_attribute_pairs_have_equal_length(self, attributes=attributes_that_should_have_same_len_pairs) return
[docs]def string_of_object_attributes(obj, attributes=[], none_at_bottom=True, numpy_array_prefix = "np."): """Put repr of objects attributes into one string The repr of each attribute will be put in a line within the output string. If the attribute is not found then None will be given. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object containing attributes. attributes : list of string, optional List of attribute names. none_at_bottom : True/False If True then any attribute that is None will be placed at the end of the output string. numpy_array_prefix : string, optional repr of numpy arrays by default do not print with anything in front of 'array'. with `numpy_array_prefix` wou can add a 'np.' etc. default= 'np.' Use `None` for no prefix. Returns ------- out : str String """ def f(v): if isinstance(v, str): return "'" else: return "" if not numpy_array_prefix is None: a = PrefixNumpyArrayString(numpy_array_prefix) else: a = PrefixNumpyArrayString('') a.turn_on() writer = "" if none_at_bottom: writer+='\n'.join(['{0} = {1}{2}{1}'.format(v, f(getattr(obj, v, None)), getattr(obj, v, None)) for v in attributes if not getattr(obj, v, None) is None]) writer+='\n\n\n' writer+='\n'.join(['{0} = {1}{2}{1}'.format(v, f(getattr(obj, v, None)), getattr(obj, v, None)) for v in attributes if getattr(obj, v, None) is None]) else: writer+='\n'.join(['{0} = {1}{2}{1}'.format(v, f(getattr(obj, v, None)), getattr(obj, v, None)) for v in attributes]) writer+='\n' a.turn_off() return writer
[docs]class PrefixNumpyArrayString(object): """When printing a numpy array string prefix 'array' If you use `repr` to print a numpy array it will print as 'array([...])'. If you have imported numpy with 'import numpy.array as array' or some such import then you can paste the printed output straight back into Python. However, I use 'import numpy as np' so I have to manually put in the 'np.' before I can use the printed output in my code. Using PrefixNumpyArrayString can put in the 'np.' automatically when using the __str__ of the numpy array. i.e. __repr__ remains unchanged but __str__ will have the prefix Attributes ---------- prefix : string, optional string to prefix with. Default prefix='np.'. Examples -------- >>> print(np.arange(3)) [0 1 2] >>> a=PrefixNumpyArrayString('numpy.') >>> a.turn_on() >>> print(np.arange(3)) numpy.array([0, 1, 2]) >>> a.turn_off() >>> print(np.arange(3)) [0 1 2] """ def __init__(self, prefix = 'np.'): self.prefix = prefix def _pprint(self, arr): """Function to pass to np.set_string_function""" return '{}{}'.format(self.prefix, repr(arr))
[docs] def turn_on(self): """Turn_on printing numpy array with prefix""" np.set_string_function(self._pprint, False)
[docs] def turn_off(self): """Turn_on printing numpy array with prefix""" np.set_string_function(None, False)
[docs]def next_output_stem(prefix, path=None, start=1, inc=1, zfill=3, overwrite=False): """Find next unique prefix-number in sequence of numbered files/folders Looks in folder of `path` for files/folders with prefix-number combos of the form 'prefixdddxyz.ext'. If found then the ddd is incremented by `inc` and the new 'prefixddd' is returned. E.g. if file 'prefix004_exact.out' exists you will get 'prefix_005' as the next output stem. Parameters ---------- prefix : string Start of file/folder name to search for. path : string, optional Folder to seach in. Default path=None i.e. search in current working directory. start : int, optional If no existing files/folders match the numbering will start at `start`. Default start=1. inc : int, optional If matching files/folders are found then the number will increment by inc. Default inc=1. zfill : int, optional Fill number with zeros to the left. eg. if `zfill` is 3 and the number is 8, then the number will be output as '008'. overwrite : True/False When True the prefix-number combo will not be incremented and the highest exisiting prefix-number combo will be returned. Returns ------- stem : string Next output stem. """ if path is None: cwd = os.curdir else: if not os.path.isdir(path): raise ValueError('folder does not exist: ' + path) cwd = path pattern = re.compile(prefix + "(?P<x>\d+).*") nums = [] for nm in os.listdir(cwd): match = pattern.match(nm) if match: nums.append(int('x'))) if len(nums)>0: num = max(nums) if not overwrite: num += inc else: num = start return prefix+""+str(num).zfill(zfill)
[docs]def make_array_into_dataframe(data, column_labels=None, row_labels=None, row_labels_label='item'): """Make an array into a pandas dataframe The data frame will have no index. Use df.set_index(). Parameters ---------- data : 2d array Data to be put int column_labels : list or 1d array, optional Column lables for data. Default column_labels=None which will give column numbers 0,1,2, etc. row_labels : list or 1d array, optional Default row_labels=None which will use row numbers, 0,1,2,etc. row_labels_label : string, optional Column label for the row_labels column. Default row_labels_label='item'. Returns ------- df : pandas dataframe dDtaframe of data with column and row labels added """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): return data if column_labels is None: df = pd.DataFrame(data) else: df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=column_labels) if not row_labels is None: s = pd.Series(row_labels) df.insert(loc=0, column=row_labels_label, value = row_labels) return df
[docs]def save_grid_data_to_file(data_dicts, directory=None, file_stem='out_000', create_directory=True, ext='.csv'): """Save grid data to files using a common filename stem Saves grid data in `directory`. Each data filename will begin with `file_stem`. Grid data is basically 2d data with rows and columns. Parameters ---------- data_dicts : list of dict or single dict Each data_dict contains info for outputing a piece of data to a file. Although the data_dicts parameter is listed last, each data_dict should appear at the start of the argument list when calling the function. ================== ============================================ data_dict key description ================== ============================================ name String to be added to end of stem to create file_name. data array of data to save to file. If data is a pandas dataframe then row_labels and column labels will be ignored (i.e. it will be assumed that the dataframe already has row labels and column labels). row_labels List of row labels for data. default = None which will give no row labels. row_labels_label If there are row_labels then the column label for the row_label column. Default = None which will give 'item'. column_labels Column lables for data. Default = None which will give nothing. header String to appear before data. Default = None. df_kwargs dict of kwargs to pass to pandas.DataFrame.to_csv(). Default ={}. ================== ============================================ directory : string, optional Path of directory to save data in. Default directory=None which will save to the current working directory. file_stem : string, optional beginning of file name, Default file_stem='out_000'. Filename will be made from `file_stem` + [`data_dict`['name']] + `ext`. ext : string, optional File extension. Default ext=".csv". create_directory : True/False, optional If True, all data files will be placed in a directory named file_stem. So you might get files path_to_directory\\out_000\\out_000_cow.csv etc. If False, all data files will be placed in `directory`. So you would get files path_to_directory\\out_000_cow.csv etc. Default create_directory=True. """ if not isinstance(data_dicts, list): data_dicts=[data_dicts] if len(data_dicts)==0: return if not all([isinstance(v, dict) for v in data_dicts]): raise ValueError('all elements of data_dicts must be a dict.') if directory is None: directory = os.path.curdir if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) if create_directory: dirname = os.path.join(directory, file_stem) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname) else: dirname = directory for d in data_dicts: data = d.pop('data', None) name = d.pop('name',"") row_labels = d.pop('row_labels', None) row_labels_label = d.pop('row_labels_label', 'item') column_labels = d.pop('column_labels', None) header = d.pop('header', None) df_kwargs = d.pop('df_kwargs',{}) if data is None: continue df = make_array_into_dataframe(data=data, column_labels=column_labels, row_labels=row_labels, row_labels_label=row_labels_label) df_kwargs['index_label'] = "idex" # ensure all columns have labels incl. index filename = os.path.join(dirname, str(file_stem) + str(name) + ext ) with open(filename,'w') as myfile: if not header is None: myfile.write(header+'\n') df.to_csv(myfile, **df_kwargs)
[docs]def hms_string(sec_elapsed): """Convert seconds to human readable h:min:seconds Parameters ---------- sec_elapsed : float Elapsed seconds References ---------- Copied verbatim from """ h = int(sec_elapsed / (60 * 60)) m = int((sec_elapsed % (60 * 60)) / 60) s = sec_elapsed % 60. return "{}:{:>02}:{:>05.2f}".format(h, m, s)
[docs]class GenericInputFileArgParser(object): """Pass input files to a class/function, then call methods on the object see self.main for use in scripts. The working directory will be changed to the location of each input file Basically the path of each input file is passed to the method self.process. Parameters ---------- obj : object/callable Object to call with input file as argument. methods : sequence of 3 element tuples, optional Each element of methods is a 3 element tuple (method_name, args, kwargs). After `obj` has been initialized the obj's method called 'method_name' will be called with unpacked args and kwargs. i.e. obj(filename).method_name(*args, **kwargs). Default methods=[] i.e. no methods called. pass_open_file : True/False, optional If True then input files will be passed to obj as open file objects. If False then paths of the input files will be passed to obj. Default pass_open_file=True prog : string, optional Part of usage method for argparse, the name of the program. Default prog=None which uses sys.argv[0] i.e. the first command line paramter. description : string, optional Part of usage method for argparse. Default description="Process some input files". epilog : string, optional Part of usage method for argparse. Default epilog='If no options are specifyied then the user will be prompted to select files.' Notes ----- For basic usage, in a file to be used as a script put:: if __name__=='__main__': a = GenericInputFileArgParser(obj_to_call) a.main() See Also -------- argparse : better description of some of the variables. """ def __init__(self, obj, pass_open_file=True, methods=[], prog = None, description = "Process some input files", epilog = ('If no options are specifyied then the user ' 'will be prompted to select files.')): self.obj = obj self.pass_open_file = pass_open_file self.methods = methods self._prog = prog self._description = description self._epilog = epilog
[docs] def process(self, path): """Process the input file path The default behaviour of self.process depends on `self.pass_open_file`. If True then `path` will be opened and then self.obj will be called with the opened file as the argument. If False then then `self.obj` will be called with the path itself as argument. If you need more complicated behaviour to process your input file (e.g. initalize self.obj with a path and then call one of it's methods) then over write this method. Parameters ---------- path : string Absolute path to input file. """ if self.pass_open_file: with open(path,'r') as f: a = self.obj(f) else: a = self.obj(path) for s, args, kwargs in self.methods: getattr(a, s)(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def main(self, argv=None): """Accept command line arguments and pass files/paths to self.obj Allows users to specify files via the command line in various ways: 1. If no options are specifyied a dialog box will open for the user to select files. 2. A list of file paths can be specified with the --filename option 3. The --directory and --pattern options can be used together to search a particular directory for files matching a certain pattern. If no actual directory is specified then the current working directory will be used. The default pattern to look for is "*.py". The script file itself will not be processed if it matches the pattern itself. Parameters ---------- argv : list of str, optional List of command line arguments. Default argv=None which will grab arguments from sys.argv. Used mainly for testing or bypassing script based command line arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=self._prog, description=self._description, epilog = self._epilog) parser.add_argument('-f', '--filename', type=str,#argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='+', help="Path(s) to input file(s).") parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', type=str, nargs='*', help="Path(s) to directory containing input " "files. Files in specified directory(s) that " "match the pattern given with the --pattern " "flag will be used. If the --directory flag is " "used without specifying a directory then the " "current working directroy will be used.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--pattern', type=str, nargs='?', const="*.py", help="pattern to match files in the " "directory specified using the --directory flag. " "If the --pattern flag is used without " "specifying a pattern then '*.py' will be used.") if argv == None: ns = parser.parse_args() else: ns = parser.parse_args(argv) if len([x for x in (ns.pattern, if x is not None]) == 1: parser.error('--directory and --pattern must be given together. ') if len([x for x in (ns.filename, if x is not None]) == 2: parser.error('--filenames and --directory cannot be used ' 'together.') = [os.getcwd()] if[] else if (not is None) and (not ns.pattern is None): #find all files that match pattern filenames=[] for i,d in enumerate( if not os.path.isdir(d): parser.error('directory #{0} in command line is not a ' 'valid directory: {1}'.format(i, d)) [filenames.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(d), v)) for v in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(d), ns.pattern) if v!=os.path.basename(__file__)] if len(filenames)==0: raise IOError("no files that match '{0}' can be found in the " "specified directories".format(ns.pattern)) elif not ns.filename is None: filenames = [os.path.abspath(v) for v in ns.filename] else: #prompt for files filenames = get_filepaths(wildcard="") if filenames is None: return level = logging.getLogger().level logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ' Start processing files') start_time= time.time() for i, path in enumerate(filenames): try: # time.sleep(0.5) if i>0: time_remaining = ((time.time() - start_time)/(i+1) * (len(filenames)-i)) time_remaining = (', estimated. time remaining ' + hms_string(time_remaining)) else: time_remaining= ".""{0}, processing {1}, File {2} of {3}{4}".format( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), path, i+1, len(filenames), time_remaining)) with working_directory(os.path.dirname(path)): self.process(path) except Exception: logging.exception("problem with file {0}:\n".format(path)) finally: pass"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ' End processing files') logging.getLogger().setLevel(level)
[docs]@contextmanager def working_directory(path): """Change working directory for duration of with statement Parameters ---------- path : str Path to new current working directory Notes ----- e.g. with working_directory(\data\stuff): References ---------- Taken straight from """ current_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(current_dir)
[docs]def get_filepaths(wildcard=""): """ dialog box to select files Opens a dialog box from which the user can select files Parameters ---------- wildcard : string, optional Only show file types of this kind. Default wildcard="" which means no file type filtering. e.g. "BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|GIF files (*.gif)|*.gif" Returns ------- filepaths: list of paths List of user selected file paths. Will return None if the cancel button was selected. """ try: try: from PyQt5 import QtGui except ImportError: from PyQt4 import QtGui # pyqt idea from app = QtGui.QApplication([]) caption = 'Select file(s)' # use current/working directory directory = './' filter_mask = wildcard filepaths = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(None, caption, directory, filter_mask) if len(filepaths)==0: filepaths=None except ImportError: import wx # wx idea from app = wx.App(None) style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wx.FD_MULTIPLE dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, 'Open', wildcard=wildcard, style=style) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filepaths = dialog.GetPaths() else: filepaths = None dialog.Destroy() return filepaths
[docs]def modules_in_package(package_name, exclude=['test']): """List of modules in a package Parameters ---------- package_name : string Name of package to import and get modules from. exclude : list of string, optional Module names to exclude. Default exclude=['test'] Returns ------- module_list : lsit of string List of modules in package_name ommiting any names in the exclude list. """ pkg = importlib.import_module(package_name) pkgpath = os.path.dirname(pkg.__file__) return [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkgpath]) if name not in exclude]
[docs]class SimpleTimer(object): """Simple timer to display start, end, and elapsed wall clock time of code execution. Messages displayed when start and finish methods called. Attributes ---------- start_times : dict Start times corresponding to each timing level. messages : dict Message/title corresponding to each timeing level. end_times : dict end times corresponding to each timing level. """ def __init__(self): self.start_times = dict() self.messages = dict() self.end_times = dict()
[docs] def start(self, i, msg=None): """Print message saying timing level i has started. Parameters --------- i : int index of timed process. Numerical value of i will detemine indent of printed message. If i==0 then row of astericks will be printed before message. msg : string, optional title of timing process. printed message will be "Started " + msg. Default msg=None which will make "Started Level i" appear. """ self.start_times[i] = time.time() if msg is None: self.messages[i] = "Level {}".format(i) else: self.messages[i] = msg if i==0: print("*"*40) print(" "*i + "Started " + self.messages[i])
[docs] def finish(self, i): """Print message saying timing level i has finished along with the elapsed time. Parameters --------- i : int index of timed process. Numerical value of i will detemine indent of printed message. If i==0 then row of astericks will be printed after finish message. """ self.end_times[i] = time.time() elapsed_time = (self.end_times[i] - self.start_times[i]) print(" "*i + "Finished {}, run time = {}".format(self.messages[i], str(timedelta(seconds=elapsed_time)))) if i==0: print("*"*40)
if __name__ == '__main__': import nose nose.runmodule(argv=['nose', '--verbosity=3', '--with-doctest']) # nose.runmodule(argv=['nose', '--verbosity=3'])