# geotecha - A software suite for geotechncial engineering
# Copyright (C) 2018 Rohan T. Walker (rtrwalker@gmail.com)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Shan et al (2012) "Exact solutions for one-dimensional consolidation of
single-layer unsaturated soil".
from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import sympy
def _integral_for_homogenous_case_linear_initial_condition():
"""equ 52 from shan et al 2012 for depth-linear initial conditon"""
z, H, M, utop, ubot = sympy.symbols('z, H, M, utop, ubot')
f1 = utop + z * (ubot - utop) / H
sn = sympy.sin(M * z / H)
a = 2/H * sympy.integrate(f1 * sn, (z, 0,H))
def _integral_for_exp_loading_dt():
"""equ 75 from shan et al 2012 for exponential loading diff wrt time"""
#q(t) = q0 * exp[-b * t]
M, eig, tau, t, q0, b= sympy.symbols('M, eig, tau, t, q0, b')
f = q0 * (1-sympy.exp(-b * tau))
f2 = sympy.exp(eig * M**2 * (t - tau))
igral = sympy.integrate(sympy.diff(f, tau) * f2, (tau, 0, t), risch=False, conds='none')
#wolfram:Integrate[Exp[g M**2 * t] * q0 * b * Exp[-b x] * Exp[-g * M**2 * x)], {x,0,t}]
print('calculated', igral)
print('manual', "-(b*q0*(exp(-b*t)-exp(eigs*M**2*t)))/(b+eigs*M**2)")
def _integral_for_sin_loading_dt():
"""equ 75 from shan et al 2012 for sin loading diff wrt time"""
#q(t) = q0 * sin(omega * t)
r, tau, t, q0, omega= sympy.symbols('r, tau, t, q0, omega')
f = q0 * sympy.sin(omega * tau)
f2 = sympy.exp(-r * tau)
igral = sympy.integrate(sympy.diff(f, tau) * f2, (tau, 0, t), risch=False, conds='none')
#wolfram: Integrate[Exp[g M**2 * t] * q0 * D[Sin[k*x], x] * Exp[-g * M**2 * x)], {x,0,t}]
print('calculated', igral)
print('manual', "(omega*q0*(-eigs*M**2*cos(omega*t)+eigs*M**2*exp(eigs*M**2*t)+omega*sin(omega*t)))/(eigs**2*M**4+omega**2)")
def _integral_for_exp_loading():
"""equ 75 from shan et al 2012 for exponential loading"""
#q(t) = q0 * exp[-b * t]
M, eig, tau, t, q0, b= sympy.symbols('M, eig, tau, t, q0, b')
f = q0 * (1-sympy.exp(-b * tau))
f2 = sympy.exp(eig * M**2 * (t - tau))
igral = sympy.integrate(f * f2, (tau, 0, t), risch=False, conds='none')
#wolfram:Integrate[Exp[g M**2 * t] * q0 *(1 - Exp[-b x]) * Exp[-g * M**2 * x)], {x,0,t}]
print('calculated', igral)
print('manual', "(q0*(exp(-b*t)-exp(eigs*M**2*t)))/(b+eigs*M**2)+(q0*(exp(eigs*M**2*t)-1))/(eigs*M**2)")
def _integral_for_sin_loading():
"""equ 75 from shan et al 2012 for sin loading"""
#q(t) = q0 * sin(omega * t)
r, tau, t, q0, omega= sympy.symbols('r, tau, t, q0, omega')
f = q0 * sympy.sin(omega * tau)
f2 = sympy.exp(-r * tau)
igral = sympy.integrate(f, tau * f2, (tau, 0, t), risch=False, conds='none')
#wolfram: Integrate[Exp[g M**2 * t] * q0 * Sin[k*x] * Exp[-g * M**2 * x)], {x,0,t}]
print('calculated', igral)
print('manual', "-(q0*(-omega*exp(eigs*M**2*t)+eigs*M**2*sin(omega*t)+omega*cos(omega*t)))/(eigs**2*M**4+omega**2)")
[docs]def shanetal2012(z, t, H, Cw, Cvw, Ca, Cva, drn=1, Csw=0, Csa=0,
uwi=(0, 0), uai=(0, 0), nterms=100,
f=None, f1=None, f2=None, f3=None, f4=None):
"""1D unsaturated consolidation
- Unsaturated soil.
- Vertical flow.
- Soil properties constant with time.
- Initial pore pressure distribution is linear with depth.
Load is uniform with depth but can be sinusoidal with time,
or exponential with time.
- Drainage boundaries in air and water phase can be pervious, impervious
or piecewise linear with time or sinusoidal with time or exponential
with time.
- Pore pressure vs depth in air and water at various times.
z : float or 1d array/list of float
Depth values for output.
t : float or 1d array/list of float
Time values for output
H : float
Drainage path length.
Cw : float
Cw = (1 - (m2w/m1kw)) / (m2w - m1kw)
Cvw : float
Cvw = kw / (gamw * m2w)
Ca : float
Ca = (m2a/m1ka) / (1 - m2a/m1ka - n(1-S)/(ua_*m1ka))
Cva : float
Cva = ka / {(wa/(R*T)) * m1ka*ua_*[1 - m2a/m1ka - n(1-S)/(ua_*m1ka)]}
where wa=molecular mass of air= 28.966e-3 kg/mol for air,
R=universal gas constant=8.31432 J/(mol.K), T = absolute
temperature in Kelvin=273.16+t0 (K), t0=temperature in celsius, ua_=
absolute air pressure=ua+uatm (kPa), ua=guage air pressure, uatm=
atmospheric air pressure=101 kPa. When ua is small or rapidly
dissipates during consolidation ua_ can be considered a constant;
so let ua_=uatm
drn : int, optional
Drainage condition. drn=0 is PTPB, drn=1 is PTIB. Default drn=1.
Csw : float, optional
Csw = m1kw/m2w default=0.
Csa : float, optional
Csa = (m2a/m1ka) / (1 - m2a/m1ka - n(1-S)/(ua_*m1ka)) Default=0,
uwi : 2-element tuple, optioanl
Initial pore water pressure at top and bottom of soil. Initial pore
water pressure within soil is assumed to vary linearly between the
top and bottom values. Default uwi=(0,0).
uai : 2-element tuple, optioanl
Initial pore air pressure at top and bottom of soil. Initial pore
air pressure within soil is assumed to vary linearly between the
top and bottom values. Default uai=(0,0).
nterms : int, optional
Number of terms to use in solution. Default nterms=100.
f : dict, optional
Ditionary describing a loading function. Default f=None i.e. no load
f = {'type': 'exp', 'q0': 100, 'b': 0.00005} is a load described by
q(t) = q0 * exp[-b * t].
f = {'type': 'sin', 'q0': 100, 'omega': 2*np.pi/1e8} is a load
described by q(t) = q0 * sin(omega*t).
f1, f2 : dict, optional
dict describing loading function for uwtop and uatop.
Default f1=f2==None i.e. no load.
f3, f4 : dict, optional
dict describing loading function for uwbot and uabot.
Default f3=f4==None i.e. no load.
porw, pora : 2d array of float
Pore pressure at depth and time in water and air phase
por is an array of size (len(z), len(t)).
.. [1] Shan, Zhendong, Daosheng Ling, and Haojiang Ding. 2012. 'Exact
Solutions for One-dimensional Consolidation of Single-layer
Unsaturated Soil'. International Journal for Numerical and
Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 36 (6): 708-22.
def E_exp_load_dt(q0,b, t, M, eigs):
return -(b*q0*(exp(-b*t)-exp(eigs*M**2*t)))/(b+eigs*M**2)
def E_sin_load_dt(q0,omega, t, M, eigs):
sin = np.sin
cos = np.cos
return ((omega*q0*(-eigs*M**2*cos(omega*t)+eigs*M**2*exp(eigs*M**2*t)+
def E_exp_load(q0,b, t, M, eigs):
return ((q0*(exp(-b*t)-exp(eigs*M**2*t)))/(b+eigs*M**2)+
def E_sin_load(q0,omega, t, M, eigs):
sin = np.sin
cos = np.cos
return (-(q0*(-omega*exp(eigs*M**2*t)+eigs*M**2*sin(omega*t)+
permitted_loads = ['exp', 'sin']
permitted_parameters={'exp': ['q0','b'],
'sin': ['q0', 'omega']}
f_list = ['f','f1','f2','f3','f4']
for fname, ff in zip(f_list,[f,f1,f2,f3,f4]):
if not ff is None:
if not ff['type'] in permitted_loads:
raise ValueError("{} load function must be one "
"of type {}; one of yours is "
"'{}'".format(fname, permitted_loads, ff['type']))
for p in permitted_parameters[ff['type']]:
if not p in ff:
raise ValueError("'{}' is missing from the "
"{} '{}' loading "
"function dict".format(p, fname, ff['type']))
Cmat = np.array([[1, Cw], [Ca, 1]], dtype=float)
Kmat = np.array([[Cvw, 0], [0, Cva]], dtype=float)
a1 = np.sqrt(Cva**2 - 2 * Cva * Cvw + Cvw**2 + 4 * Ca * Cw * Cva * Cvw)
r1 = 0.5 * (Cva + Cvw - a1)/ (1-Ca*Cw)
r2 = 0.5 * (Cva + Cvw + a1)/ (1-Ca*Cw)
sin = np.sin
cos = np.cos
if drn==1:
M = ((2 * np.arange(nterms) + 1) / 2 * np.pi)
elif drn==0:
M = (np.arange(1,nterms+1) * np.pi)
ICmat = np.linalg.inv(Cmat)
Nmat = np.dot(ICmat,Kmat)
eigs, v = np.linalg.eig(Nmat)
v = np.asarray(v)
if 0:
#this is just to demonstrate that it is possible to do the
#eigenvalues and eigenvectors analytically.
a1 = np.sqrt(Cva**2 - 2 * Cva * Cvw + Cvw**2 + 4 * Ca * Cw * Cva * Cvw)
r1 = 0.5 * (Cva + Cvw - a1)/ (1-Ca*Cw)
r2 = 0.5 * (Cva + Cvw + a1)/ (1-Ca*Cw)
eigs = np.array([r1,r2])
v = np.array([[r1-Nmat[1,1], r2 - Nmat[1,1]], [Nmat[1,0], Nmat[1,0]]])
#initial condition
gw = 2 / H * (-H*uwi[1]*cos(M)/M + H*uwi[0]/M +
H*uwi[1]*sin(M)/M**2 - H*uwi[0]*sin(M)/M**2)
ga = 2 / H * (-H*uai[1]*cos(M)/M + H*uai[0]/M +
H*uai[1]*sin(M)/M**2 - H*uai[0]*sin(M)/M**2)
X0 = np.empty((1, 1, nterms, 2))
X0[0, 0, :, 0] = gw
X0[0, 0, :, 1] = ga
#z, t, M, uw & ua
Iv = np.linalg.inv(v)
Iv_X0 = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', Iv, X0)
E = np.empty((1, len(t), nterms, 2), dtype=float)
E[0, :, :, :] = np.exp( M[None, None, :, None] **2 / H**2 *
eigs[None, None, None, :] *
t[None, :, None, None])
v_E_Iv_X0 = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', v, E * Iv_X0)
S = np.sin(M[None, None, :,None] * z[:,None, None, None]/H)
u = np.sum(S * v_E_Iv_X0, axis=2)
E = np.zeros((1, len(t), nterms, 2), dtype=float)
if not f is None:
Csig = np.array([Csw, Csa], dtype=float)
ICmat_Csig = np.dot(ICmat, Csig)
igral_S = 2 * (1 - np.cos(M)) / M
Hk = igral_S[None, None, :, None] * ICmat_Csig[None, None, None, :]
Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', Iv, Hk)
if f['type']=='exp':
q0 = f['q0']
b = f['b']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_exp_load_dt(q0, b,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None]/H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
elif f['type']=='sin':
q0 = f['q0']
omega = f['omega']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_sin_load_dt(q0, omega,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None] / H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
v_E_Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', v, E * Iv_X)
u += np.sum(S * v_E_Iv_X, axis=2)
#f1 diff wrt t. i.e f1*(h-z)/h, water top
if not f1 is None:
Csig = np.array([-1, -Ca], dtype=float)
ICmat_Csig = np.dot(ICmat, Csig)
if drn==0:
igral_S = (2*(M-sin(M)))/M**2 #2/H * Integrate[Sin[M*x / H] * (H-x)/H, {x, 0, H}]
elif drn==1:
igral_S = 2 * (1 - np.cos(M)) / M
Hk = igral_S[None, None, :, None] * ICmat_Csig[None, None, None, :]
Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', Iv, Hk)
if ff['type']=='exp':
q0 = ff['q0']
b = ff['b']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_exp_load_dt(q0, b,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None]/H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
#add in homogenizing term
if drn==0:
u[:,:,0] += (q0 * (1 - np.exp(-b * t[None, :])) *
(1 - z[:, None]/H))
elif drn==1:
u[:,:,0] += q0 * (1 - np.exp(-b * t[None, :])) * (1)
elif ff['type']=='sin':
q0 = ff['q0']
omega = ff['omega']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_sin_load_dt(q0, omega,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None] / H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
#add in homogenizing term
if drn==0:
u[:,:,0] += q0 * np.sin(omega * t[None, :]) * (1-z[:, None]/H)
elif drn==1:
u[:,:,0] += q0 * np.sin(omega * t[None, :]) * (1)
v_E_Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', v, E * Iv_X)
u += np.sum(S * v_E_Iv_X, axis=2)
#f2 diff wrt t. i.e f2*(h-z)/h, air top
if not f2 is None:
Csig = np.array([-Cw, -1], dtype=float)
ICmat_Csig = np.dot(ICmat, Csig)
if drn==0:
igral_S = (2*(M-sin(M)))/M**2 #2/H * Integrate[Sin[M*x / H] * (H-x)/H, {x, 0, H}]
elif drn==1:
igral_S = 2 * (1 - np.cos(M)) / M
Hk = igral_S[None, None, :, None] * ICmat_Csig[None, None, None, :]
Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', Iv, Hk)
if ff['type']=='exp':
q0 = ff['q0']
b = ff['b']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_exp_load_dt(q0, b,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None]/H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
#add in homogenizing term
if drn==0:
u[:,:,1] += (q0 * (1 - np.exp(-b * t[None, :])) *
(1 - z[:, None]/H))
elif drn==1:
u[:,:,1] += q0 * (1 - np.exp(-b * t[None, :])) * (1)
elif ff['type']=='sin':
q0 = ff['q0']
omega = ff['omega']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_sin_load_dt(q0, omega,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None] / H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
#add in homogenizing term
if drn==0:
u[:,:,1] += q0 * np.sin(omega * t[None, :]) * (1-z[:, None]/H)
elif drn==1:
u[:,:,1] += q0 * np.sin(omega * t[None, :]) * (1)
v_E_Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', v, E * Iv_X)
u += np.sum(S * v_E_Iv_X, axis=2)
#f3 diff wrt t. i.e f3*z/H, water bot
if not f3 is None:
Csig = np.array([-1, -Ca], dtype=float)
ICmat_Csig = np.dot(ICmat, Csig)
if drn==0:
igral_S = (2*(sin(M)-M*cos(M)))/M**2 #2/H * Integrate[Sin[M*x / H] * (x)/H, {x, 0, H}]
elif drn==1:
igral_S = (2*H*(sin(M)-M*cos(M)))/M**2 #2/H * Integrate[Sin[M*x / H] * x, {x, 0, H}]
Hk = igral_S[None, None, :, None] * ICmat_Csig[None, None, None, :]
Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', Iv, Hk)
if ff['type']=='exp':
q0 = ff['q0']
b = ff['b']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_exp_load_dt(q0, b,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None]/H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
#add in homogenizing term
if drn==0:
u[:,:,0] += (q0 * (1 - np.exp(-b * t[None, :])) *
(z[:, None]/H))
elif drn==1:
u[:,:,0] += q0 * (1 - np.exp(-b * t[None, :])) * (z[:, None])
elif ff['type']=='sin':
q0 = ff['q0']
omega = ff['omega']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_sin_load_dt(q0, omega,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None] / H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
#add in homogenizing term
if drn==0:
u[:,:,0] += q0 * np.sin(omega * t[None, :]) * (z[:, None]/H)
elif drn==1:
u[:,:,0] += q0 * np.sin(omega * t[None, :]) * (z[:, None])
v_E_Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', v, E * Iv_X)
u += np.sum(S * v_E_Iv_X, axis=2)
#f4 diff wrt t. i.e f4*z, air bot
if not f4 is None:
Csig = np.array([-Cw, -1], dtype=float)
ICmat_Csig = np.dot(ICmat, Csig)
if drn==0:
igral_S = (2*(sin(M)-M*cos(M)))/M**2 #2/H * Integrate[Sin[M*x / H] * (x)/H, {x, 0, H}]
elif drn==1:
igral_S = (2*H*(sin(M)-M*cos(M)))/M**2 #2/H * Integrate[Sin[M*x / H] * x, {x, 0, H}]
Hk = igral_S[None, None, :, None] * ICmat_Csig[None, None, None, :]
Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', Iv, Hk)
if ff['type']=='exp':
q0 = ff['q0']
b = ff['b']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_exp_load_dt(q0, b,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None]/H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
#add in homogenizing term
if drn==0:
u[:,:,1] += (q0 * (1 - np.exp(-b * t[None, :])) *
(z[:, None]/H))
elif drn==1:
u[:,:,1] += q0 * (1 - np.exp(-b * t[None, :])) * (z[:, None])
elif ff['type']=='sin':
q0 = ff['q0']
omega = ff['omega']
E[0, :, :, :] = E_sin_load_dt(q0, omega,
t[None, :, None, None],
M[None, None, :, None] / H,
eigs[None, None, None, :])
#add in homogenizing term
if drn==0:
u[:,:,1] += q0 * np.sin(omega * t[None, :]) * (z[:, None]/H)
elif drn==1:
u[:,:,1] += q0 * np.sin(omega * t[None, :]) * (z[:, None])
v_E_Iv_X = np.einsum('lp,ijkp', v, E * Iv_X)
u += np.sum(S * v_E_Iv_X, axis=2)
uw = u[:,:,0]
ua = u[:,:,1]
return uw, ua
if __name__ == '__main__':
kw = 1e-10
ka = 10 * kw
Ca = -0.0775134
Cva=-64504.4 * ka
uwi=(40, 40)
uai=(20, 20)
# f = {'type':'exp', 'q0':100.0, 'b':0.00005}
# f = {'type':'sin', 'q0':100.0, 'omega':2*np.pi / 1e8}
f3 = {'type':'sin', 'q0':100.0, 'omega':2*np.pi / 1e9}
z = np.array([0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0])
t = np.array([1e6,3e6, 1e8,3e8, 1e9, 2e9 ])
z = np.linspace(0, H, 51)
# z = np.array([4])
# t = np.logspace(2,10,400)
# t = np.array([0, 1e6])
porw, pora = shanetal2012(z, t, H, Cw, Cvw, Ca, Cva, drn, Csw, Csa,
uwi, uai, nterms, f=f, f1=f1, f2=f2, f3=f3, f4=f4)
if 1:
print('\nporw', repr(porw))
print('\npora', repr(pora))
labels = ['water pore pressure', 'Air pore pressure']
title = 'drn={}, ka/kw={:.3g}'.format(drn, ka/kw)
for p, lab in zip([porw, pora], labels):
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
for j, t_ in enumerate(t):
ax.plot(p[:,j], z, marker='o', label="t={0:.3g}".format(t[j]))
# ax.set_xlim(0,1)
leg = plt.legend(loc=3 )
fig = plt.figure()
ax.plot(t, porw[len(z)//2], 'bs', ls='-', ms=3,label='water')
ax.plot(t, pora[len(z)//2], 'g*', ls='-', ms=3,label='air')
ax.set_ylabel('Pore pressure at z={}'.format(z[len(z)//2]))
leg = plt.legend(loc=3 )
# fig=plt.figure()
# ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
# ax.plot(t, avp, marker='o',)
# ax.set_xlabel('time')
# ax.set_ylabel('Overall average pore pressure')
# ax.invert_yaxis()
## ax.set_xlim(0,1)
# ax.grid()
# fig=plt.figure()
# ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
# ax.plot(t, settle, marker='o',)
# ax.set_xlabel('time')
# ax.set_ylabel('settlement')
# ax.invert_yaxis()
## ax.set_xlim(0,1)
# ax.grid()